Design After Nature
A research project from the Centre for Electonic Media Art, Monash University
2 - 20 December 2009
Opening Night: Thursday 3rd December, 6pm
Constellation, Alan Dorin
Oliver Bown | Joel Collins | Alan Dorin | Alice Eldridge | Mark Guglielmetti | Indae Hwang | Troy Innocent | Taras Kowaliw | Jon McCormack | Gordon Monro | Yun Tae Nam | Ben Porter | Mitchell Whitelaw
A research project from the Centre for Electonic Media Art, Monash University
2 - 20 December 2009
Opening Night: Thursday 3rd December, 6pm

Design After Nature is a collection of experimental ecosystems created as part of a three-year research project undertaken at the Centre for Electronic Media Art at Monash Univesity. The works were developed as part of an ongoing investigation into a systemic approach to electronic media art.