Inaugural Opening of Guildford Lane Gallery, to be opened by Stelarc: Thursday July 31, 6pm.
With the assistance of an Australia Council grant, Nina Sellars travelled to Los Angeles in 2006 to photograph the surgical construction of Stelarc's Extra Ear project. The experimental and internationally renowned artist Stelarc underwent surgery to have a left ear constructed on his left forearm. A miniature microphone was also embedded underneath the Extra Ear during surgery, allowing it to be wirelessly connected to the Internet via a Bluetooth transmitter. Sellars' artistic practice, which focuses on the physiology and phenomenology of the human body, profoundly intersects with Stelarc's own body-based practice.
Sellars lectures in Anatomical Drawing at Monash University, where she is currently completing her Masters of Fine Arts having received an Australian Postgraduate Award. Sellars’ MFA research investigates the idea that with the advent of new technologies to emanate, record and capture light, our perception of the anatomical body alters and a new body is imaged. The work explores how light determines what we see and experience in relation to the anatomical body. Sellars’ is also a trained Prosector: a dissector of cadavers for medical display, and her artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally. In 2008 Sellars was an invited speaker at the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin where she presented the lecture ‘Anatomy and Light’.
Download Nina Sellars' catalogue.
Nina Sellars, Extra Ear Portrait, 2006
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
01 August - 28 September
Elizabeth Delfs and Robyn Beeche: Body, Provocation

For Body, Provocation, Robyn Beeche and Elizabeth Delfs worked with dancers and photography - or the ephemeral and documentation - to combine two diverse and intriguing practices. Their images reflect their shared interest in the body, which they perceive to be a site of creation and deconstruction, and a means to make alternative and "anti-fashion" statements. In their photographs, the dancers exist in a space that oscillates between the organic and the inorganic, fervor and calm, and reveries and consciousness. The notions of beauty, sexuality, the surreal, provocation and the occult are some of the themes and ideas explored by the artists.
For 35 years, Beeche has focused on the intersections between art and fashion. Her work is theatrical and immersed in high fashion and art photography. Beeche is responsible for creating iconic images for fashion royalty such as Vivienne Westwood and Zhandra Rhodes. She is currently based in India where she documents festivals and Indian culture. These images were the focus of Krishna Love and Devotion, an exhibition held at the National Gallery of Victoria in early 2008.
Delfs teaches at the Curtin University of Technology and regularly exhibits her work in and around Perth. Delfs’ practice, which engages fashion and artificial environments, first gained recognition when she was selected to exhibit in Talente, an international exhibition held in Munich 2005, featuring outstanding emerging artists and craft practitioners.
Robyn Beeche and Elizabeth Delfs, Body, Provation Series, 2007
1 August - 28 August
Resident: Carrie McGrath
During her residency in the Open Artist Studio, Carrie McGrath will be preparing for her upcoming show at SEVENTH gallery, titled Lots. McGrath's work presents aesthetics and processes that are closely tied to urban redevelopment and gentrification. McGrath's work is inspired by her recent travels in South America where she found herself nestled within hectic cities but attracted to spaces "where nothing was going on. Places such as vacant block and unused car parks." The artist states, "These spaces for me became a silent protest against ugly development." McGrath uses various materials to create large-scale installations that abstractly mirror such 'silent protests'.
McGrath's work will be showing at SEVENTH gallery, 155 Gertrude Street Fitzroy, from 12 August - 23 August.

01 August - 21 September
Anita Bacic: Outside In/Inside Out
“We don’t often realise that we learn how to see, how to look and how to interpret the world around us, often guided by an external hand or editor. In Outside In/Inside Out I have freed my work from the computer to display an unedited image without any editorial control. The only “editor” is natural light provided by the sun. Each viewer draws upon his or her own experiences in order to interpret what is happening; making this encounter similar yet different to others. The work allows a sense of self and a space for contemplation on the universality of the world outside as we share experiences despite our differences.”
Anita Bacic, 2008
Bacic is a Sydney based artist currently completing a Masters degree from the University of New South Wales. She has exhibited throughout Australia and overseas including Sao Paulo, Brazil and Istanbul, Turkey. Through the assistance of the Ian Potter Cultural Trust Grant, AGNSW’s Dyson Bequest and the University of New South Wales, Bacic completed a residency at the Cité in Internationale des Arts (Paris) in 2007.
01 August - 28 September
Nina Sellars, Oblique: Images from Stelarc's Extra Ear Surgery
Anita Bacic: Outside In/Inside Out

Anita Bacic, 2008
Bacic is a Sydney based artist currently completing a Masters degree from the University of New South Wales. She has exhibited throughout Australia and overseas including Sao Paulo, Brazil and Istanbul, Turkey. Through the assistance of the Ian Potter Cultural Trust Grant, AGNSW’s Dyson Bequest and the University of New South Wales, Bacic completed a residency at the Cité in Internationale des Arts (Paris) in 2007.
01 August - 28 September
Nina Sellars, Oblique: Images from Stelarc's Extra Ear Surgery

Sellars lectures in Anatomical Drawing at Monash University, where she is currently completing her Masters of Fine Arts having received an Australian Postgraduate Award. Sellars’ MFA research investigates the idea that with the advent of new technologies to emanate, record and capture light, our perception of the anatomical body alters and a new body is imaged. The work explores how light determines what we see and experience in relation to the anatomical body. Sellars’ is also a trained Prosector: a dissector of cadavers for medical display, and her artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally. In 2008 Sellars was an invited speaker at the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin where she presented the lecture ‘Anatomy and Light’.
Download Nina Sellars' catalogue.
Nina Sellars, Extra Ear Portrait, 2006
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
01 August - 28 September
Elizabeth Delfs and Robyn Beeche: Body, Provocation

For Body, Provocation, Robyn Beeche and Elizabeth Delfs worked with dancers and photography - or the ephemeral and documentation - to combine two diverse and intriguing practices. Their images reflect their shared interest in the body, which they perceive to be a site of creation and deconstruction, and a means to make alternative and "anti-fashion" statements. In their photographs, the dancers exist in a space that oscillates between the organic and the inorganic, fervor and calm, and reveries and consciousness. The notions of beauty, sexuality, the surreal, provocation and the occult are some of the themes and ideas explored by the artists.
For 35 years, Beeche has focused on the intersections between art and fashion. Her work is theatrical and immersed in high fashion and art photography. Beeche is responsible for creating iconic images for fashion royalty such as Vivienne Westwood and Zhandra Rhodes. She is currently based in India where she documents festivals and Indian culture. These images were the focus of Krishna Love and Devotion, an exhibition held at the National Gallery of Victoria in early 2008.
Delfs teaches at the Curtin University of Technology and regularly exhibits her work in and around Perth. Delfs’ practice, which engages fashion and artificial environments, first gained recognition when she was selected to exhibit in Talente, an international exhibition held in Munich 2005, featuring outstanding emerging artists and craft practitioners.
Robyn Beeche and Elizabeth Delfs, Body, Provation Series, 2007
1 August - 28 August
Resident: Carrie McGrath
During her residency in the Open Artist Studio, Carrie McGrath will be preparing for her upcoming show at SEVENTH gallery, titled Lots. McGrath's work presents aesthetics and processes that are closely tied to urban redevelopment and gentrification. McGrath's work is inspired by her recent travels in South America where she found herself nestled within hectic cities but attracted to spaces "where nothing was going on. Places such as vacant block and unused car parks." The artist states, "These spaces for me became a silent protest against ugly development." McGrath uses various materials to create large-scale installations that abstractly mirror such 'silent protests'.
McGrath's work will be showing at SEVENTH gallery, 155 Gertrude Street Fitzroy, from 12 August - 23 August.

Carrie McGrath, Untitled, 2005